In the midst of some events like the Earthquake in Nepal and the Riots in Baltimore I wanted to suggest a meditation. Developing compassion for yourself and others is one of the most profound ways to alleviate suffering. Regardless of where we live anyone can practice this short and simple meditation. I am drawing from notes I wrote in March of 2013 during my yoga TT. It is a short/altered version of a Metta or Loving Kindness Meditation.
10 Minute Metta Compassion Meditation
It may be best to have someone read this to you, and then you repeat it for them. If that is not available print the page and set it in front of you. Read it through once or twice and then allow yourself to close your eyes and use your memory to guide you through the practice, glancing at the page when needed.
Lay or sit down. Begin following the breath in/out through the nose. You may use a light Ujayi breath to keep your mind present on the breath. Do this a few times.
Bring to mind someone who is still alive, whose love you can feel. Breathe IN saying the words “may you be free from suffering” breathe OUT “may you find peace.” Do this a few times.
Now offer that phrase to yourself. Breathe IN “may I be free from suffering” breathe OUT”may I find peace.” Do this a few times.
Bring to mind someone who is neutral to you. Breathe IN saying the words “may you be free from suffering” breathe OUT “may you find peace.” Do this a few times.
Bring to mind someone you have difficulty with, who challenges you currently. Breathe IN saying the words “may you be free from suffering” breathe OUT “may you find peace.” Do this a few times.
Now bring to mind the community which you live. Allow your mind to visualize a bubble of peace and love encompassing your community. Couple this mental image with a sincere intention. Using the breath to guide you repeat the words, “may you be free from suffering”,”may you find peace.” Do this a few times.
Allow the bubble to extend around around your state/larger province. Using the breath repeat the words, “may you be free from suffering”,”may you find peace.” Do this a few times.
Allow the bubble to extend to your country (including areas of tension). Using the breath repeat the words, “may you be free from suffering”,”may you find peace.” Do this a few times.
Allow the bubble to encircle the entire earth (including areas of tension). Using the breath repeat the words, “may you be free from suffering”,”may you find peace.” Do this a few times.
Bring the awareness back to yourself. Breathe IN “may I be free from suffering” breathe OUT”may I find peace.” Do this a few times. Wiggle fingers, blink, acknowledge surroundings.
Check in with yourself and notice any changes you feel.
Let me know how it goes!
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